
The work in this course has helped me grow by adding to my knowledge and understanding of human  nature helped develop my personal values. I had the opportunity to see patterns in the way marketing works into everyday life and how people usually fall into certain categories as consumers. In Chapter 5, I noticed that most consumers stick to buying what their peers buy and many of their buying habits are based on family values. I found it interesting that many marketers found how to exploit these preexisting behaviors to influence people to buy products. For example, when a teenager buys a new phone, many of their peers want the same phone; many advertisements target younger generations because they have more influence and are more susceptible to desire newer products. The other aspect of human nature I understood further was businesses, in general, need to exploit the desires of people by charging high prices for basic things. For example, water is free, a bottle is a penny to make but it costs three dollars to buy a water bottle. This outrageous situation demonstrates the human nature of business people to always make more money and increase their success as much as possible. Noticing these patterns helped me understand what my personal values would be for when I am a businesswoman.

My values affect the way I interact with people on a daily basis. After understanding more about human nature, I realized I would like to build stronger community connections that many people in business do not do. I feel giving back to the community can create a better more sustainable business by creating loyalty. Also, I found that I would like to research and understand the effects of communication skills with business success. Another value I realized I had was I do not want to exploit people’s needs by charging high costs on basic necessities. With poverty the way it is, I believe that we should work together instead of competing and creating a wasteland. While I did hold parts of these values before I took this course, learning more about business marketing and human nature has helped shape what I want to be like as a businesswoman in the future.

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