
So far in this semester, I have completed a variety of both individual and team projects and assignments that have helped reinforce what I have been learning in Bus 306. My individual assignments had me practice the concepts while my team projects had me work with my peers to understand and cohesively apply the concepts to data.

First, in my individual assignments, I was able to get a basic idea of how each of the concepts could fit into application. For Chapter 3 Concepts, I was introduced to applying micro and macro environmental factors to a company; this was helpful later on while completing the team Market Planning Assignment – Part 1. The other individual assignment was Chapter 7 Exercises. This assignment helped me get a basic understanding of the change in marketing technology to consumers and evaluate market ethics associated with young children and high-end items. Again, I was able to apply both of these concepts to my Market Planning Assignment – Part 1 and I felt content with what I had turned in. However, after reviewing the graded versions for both of these individual assignments, I found that I need to strengthen my writing and work on developing some of my ideas. I can possibly improve my writing skills through practice and reading well-written work. Also, in order to develop my ideas thoroughly, I can have my papers read by my peers or by a teacher.

I also had two main team projects the first half of the semester: Practicum Presentation and Market Planning Assignment – Part 1. The first project my team turned in was our Practicum Presentation. This presentation was a struggle to complete because my team had not done a presentation together before, we were conflicted about the specifics of what exactly needed to be presented, and we had only a couple weeks to complete it. However, once the team was on the same page about the content, we worked well together and developed a good presentation. I found an area I needed to strengthen was my presentation skills; my feedback said I seemed nervous and unprepared to present. I could possibly practice presenting more and make sure the team gets ample time to practice our presentation before we go in front of the class. From this experience, my team learned how to work together better and it can be seen through our Market Planning Summary and Market Planning Assignment – Part 1. We each used our basic understandings of each of the concepts and worked together to apply them in a cohesive way to our projects. I found that bouncing ideas off of them was good for developing a better product. The Market Planning Assignment – Part 1 will help me for an upcoming project for another business class because I have to do a SWOT analysis. By getting a firm grasp of the idea with my Bus 306 team, I feel I will have a much more developed analysis than I would have otherwise. This semester, I found I really enjoy collecting data and I think I have developed much better team management skills.

Chapter 3 Concepts

Chapter 7 Exercises

Marketing Practicum

Market Planning Summary

Market Planning Assignment – Part 1

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